Meme Protocol
Oct 18, 2022


This Article will briefly explain some functions of Memedex along with picture references.

Staking & Leverage Yield Farming

This is one of the main features of Memedex. Users will be able to Leverage farm up to 5x. This feature will be available Multi Chain

Figure 1 [Multi chain Leverage Yield Farm]
Figure 1 [Multi Chain Leverage Yield Farm] *Note that Launchpad will not be functional until Memedex Initial Release
Figure 2 [Multi Chain Leverage] Staking and leverage up to 5x

Leverage on Tokens

Placing Leverage on Coins is the main purpose of the Dex. Here is an example using ETH.

Figure 3 [Leverage Dashboard makes it easy to trade]
Figure 4 [Setting up Leverage is Easy]
Figure 5 [Our UI is user-friendly and can be used easily by beginners]

A video will be provided in our announcement channel later today with a walkthrough of the dex. The UI will be adjusted one more time before our Beta release later this week.

Important Links

Telegram Discussion Group:

Announcement Channel:



